
Is It Too Late To Go To College? – San Francisco Bay University

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According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are nearly 20 million college students in the United States. Many of these students attend 4-year universities such as San Francisco Bay University. However, there is also a substantial number of nontraditional students.

While the definition of “nontraditional student” has been subject to some discussion, nontraditional students can include students who do not follow the typical path of attending college immediately after high school. These students fit into many different categories such as working professionals, parents, GED recipients, etc. They attend college for many reasons, including to continue their education, change careers, or even to increase job security.

The National Center for Education Statistics also states that the number of nontraditional students is steadily growing. It can become difficult to manage family, work, and a college education.  ​​Many of San Francisco Bay University’s students attend SFBU after time in the workforce and seek to either finish their education or obtain a more advanced degree.  Thus, SFBU is very familiar with the challenges these individuals face.

1: The Benefits of Going to College Later in Life

According to the Census Bureau, from 2010 to 2019, the percentage of people age 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher jumped from 29.9% to 36.0%.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those who continue their education after high school earn more annually than those who do not. This basically means that continuing your education can improve your wages. By attending college later in life, you are advancing your career and ensuring a bright future for yourself.

2: The Challenges of Going to College Later in Life

Despite the benefits of attending college later in life, there are still some challenges that come with it. For example, older students may take many classes over again as they may not remember certain concepts as well as younger students. Also, those who attend school later in life may also have to work harder to fit into a young student’s social circle and catch up on new technologies.

3: How to Overcome the Challenges of Going to College Later in Life

So how can older students overcome these challenges? You may be able to attend college during periods when there are fewer distractions, such as spring and summer breaks. Also, it is important to actively participate in class discussions and ask questions when you don’t understand something.

4: SFBU’s Unique Approach

SFBU’s approach to education is as well-suited for older students as well as younger students. For example, many of SFBU’s  classes are more interactive and discussion-based so that students can actively participate in class discussions. SFBU is also exploring the deployment of asynchronous and distance learning courses to further enhance the convenience of their classes.  SFBU is striving to make its courses more accessible and increasingly convenient.

Going to college later in life can be challenging, but it is definitely not impossible. If you are determined to get a degree, there are plenty of ways to make it happen. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too old to go to college!

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