
Pediatric Care and Treatment for Cavities and Tooth Decay in Children – When to Start!

Everyone had our set of baby teeth and most of us have suffered from baby tooth cavities, decay, and other such issues. Normally, parents tend to ignore the issues with the baby tooth because many of them believe that baby tooth does not need any special care as they are temporary ones. This is not true and ignored baby tooth issues can become a major dental problem in future for your child.

If you are looking for an experienced pediatric dentist Cypress TX, then Orion Dental Specialties is your best option to find one. You can find an expert in all kinds of pediatric dentistry here and can find one for your child’s oral health. You can visit their website to know more about their services.

Baby teeth cavities chances

Studies have shown that tooth decay issues in babies are as common as childhood obesity, childhood diabetes, and also asthma in children. If there is tooth decay you will find holes in the tooth because of the acid attack on the tooth from the food items your child eats. This issue is treated with the filling option as it will reduce or even remove the chances of spreading the issue any further.


Symptoms of tooth decay or cavities can be easily diagnosed in children. However, a pediatric dentist is one, who can perfectly diagnose the tooth decay problem in your child. Here are some of the symptoms associated with tooth decay and cavities in kids.

  • Pain while brushing or even chewing food
  • Bad breath problem even after thorough brushing and mouth rinsing
  • Pain in the gum region that is localized around any particular tooth
  • Discoloration, visible holes, and even the dark spots on a tooth or multiple teeth.
  • Sensitivity to cold or hot beverages


Effects of tooth decay in children may lead to, 

  • Bite alignment issues and overbite problem
  • Improper intake of nutritional food items because of eating problems
  • Improper or irregular growth of the adult tooth in the future
  • Severe pain in the tooth
  • Infection that may spread from one tooth to another


According to a Cypress TX pediatric dentist, the best way of avoiding this issue is by following the below-mentioned steps.

  • Maintain healthy oral healthcare when you are pregnant.
  • Make sure to wipe the teeth of your child clean after every nursing hour. You can use the wet soft cloth or baby soft toothbrush to do so.
  • Never allow your child to go to bed with anything related to eating or drinking
  • Never use a sippy cup or bottle as an alternative for a pacifier
  • Avoid feeding fluoridated water to your child
  • Limit the daily intake of sticky or sweet food items for your child.

The important tip to follow for the best oral care of your child is by finding a Cypress pediatric dentist for your child from the age of 1 year. They will keep a chart on the tooth sprouting time of your child and will suggest the best oral care from then on.

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